South Australians have more opportunity to find their ideal job, with a jump in online job ads, according to latest data from Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA).
Our state recorded the second highest increase in online job vacancies for the month of August, up 6.9 per cent or 900 jobs, 2.1 percentage points above the national average.
The total number of job vacancies in South Australia is 21,500, according to the ABS.
In further good news, vacancies in higher-skilled positions (Certificate 4 and higher) jumped 9.4 per cent last month, accounting for 61 percent of South Australia’s total vacancies. This was well above the national increase of 6.0 per cent.
This is a positive sign as the Malinauskas Government works to generate more highly-skilled, highly-paid jobs in industries like defence & advanced manufacturing.
Lower-skilled vacancies were up 3.7 per cent.
While the most recent data shows growth, overall the national economy is slowing and the total number of internet vacancies across Australia for the year has dropped by 16.9 per cent.
South Australia’s had the smallest annual decline on the mainland, with online vacancies down just 4.8 per cent.
South Australia’s unemployment rate remains low at 4.3 per cent last month. The ABS will release its updated Labour Force Survey today.
Quotes attributable to Stephen Mullighan
South Australians now have even more opportunity to secure a job, with a significant rise in online advertisements in the past month.
While the nation’s unemployment rate is rising, and ours with it, our jobs market remains amongst the best performing in the nation.
Strong jobs growth is a key reason our state is ranked the best performing economy in the nation, and current job figures show there are still more than 20,000 jobs open to South Australians.