Release date: 05/01/23

The State Government has paid tribute to Dr Roger Thomas who has finished in his role as Commissioner for Aboriginal Engagement.

Dr Thomas was first appointed as South Australian Treaty Commissioner by the Weatherill Government in 2017. In this role, he led important discussions about Treaty with Aboriginal nation groups, culminating in the significant Buthera Agreement being signed with the Narungga Nation Aboriginal Corporation.

Following this, Dr Thomas was appointed the Commissioner for Aboriginal Engagement on 19 July 2018. Across the two positions, Dr Thomas is South Australia’s longest Aboriginal Engagement Commissioner.

On 3 December 2020, Dr Thomas provided a report on the achievements of his office for the period July 2018 to November 2020 to the SA Parliament’s House of Assembly. This was an historic event as it was the first time an Aboriginal person had spoken formally on the floor of Parliament’s lower house.

Earlier this year, Dr Thomas agreed to a 6-month extension to his term, to help the new Government transition and to undertake consultation on statues and monuments to honour Aboriginal leaders.

Dr Thomas finishes in his role as the Malinauskas Government looks to establish a fully-elected First Nations Voice to the South Australian Parliament, which will provide a direct mechanism for Aboriginal South Australians to engage with Parliament and the Government.

The draft Bill to establish a Voice to Parliament proposes a State-wide First Nations body be formed to advise and address Parliament. It would be informed and made up of representatives from a number of Local First Nations Voices.

The State First Nations Voice will be able to address Parliament on legislation of interest to Aboriginal people, make an annual address to Parliament, provide reports to Parliament, and engage Ministers and Chief Executives about department budgets and priorities in annual meetings.

The fully elected Voice to Parliament is expected to be up and running by the end of 2023.


Attributable to Kyam Maher

Dr Thomas has been a trailblazer in his role as Commissioner for Aboriginal Engagement, and before that as Treaty Commissioner.

A respected Aboriginal leader, Dr Thomas has led important consultations with Aboriginal South Australians on issues such as Treaty, a representative body to Parliament, and statues and monuments to recognise Aboriginal leaders.

Dr Thomas has made an enormous contribution to our state, and I thank him for his service, particularly during the transition to a new Government.

South Australia is leading the nation with this historic legislation for a directly elected First Nations Voice to our Parliament. This is a significant opportunity for South Australian First Nations people to be heard at the highest level of decision-making in our state.

The Voice is designed to empower First Nations South Australians and strengthen our Parliament by making sure that it is directly informed about issues and concerns of Aboriginal people.