Release date: 13/04/22

In great news for South Australian River Murray irrigators, water allocations are projected to open at 100 percent for the 2022-23 water year.

Consistent inflows over an extended period of time has seen River Murray storages continue to rise.

The early outlook advice is based on a “worst-case” water availability assessment from the Murray-Darling Basin Authority, which indicates that South Australia will receive its full annual River Murray Entitlement of 1,850 gigalitres in 2022-23.

River Murray inflows over the last three months have been some of the highest on record for this time of year. These conditions have benefited the environments that rely on the water, but have also meant that irrigators have needed to draw less water from the River.

These factors have boosted Murray-Darling Basin storages to 91 percent of their capacity which is 32 percent above the long-term average for the end of March.

In line with the River Murray Water Allocation Plan, private carryover will not be available in 2022 23 as the projected minimum opening allocation is greater than 50 percent.

For more information visit the Department for Environment and Water’s website and the Murray-Darling Basin Authority website.


Attributable to Susan Close MP

The projected 100 percent opening allocation is great news for the state’s irrigators and gives them confidence to plan for the year ahead.

The River Murray is the lifeblood of South Australia with much of our state’s wealth and environmental sustainability coming from the river.

It’s imperative that we make the River Murray a priority for South Australia again.

Our government is committed to the Murray-Darling Basin Plan and will do everything in our power to deliver it, and to strengthen it for the future sustainability of South Australia.

This includes fighting for the remaining 450 gigalites of water agreed to by the commonwealth and Basin states.