Release date: 27/06/22

The Malinauskas Labor Government has a plan to support a strong and sustainable taxi industry, implementing a range of targeted initiatives to create a more level playing field and improve services to customers.

Delivering on another Malinauskas Election commitment initiatives include:

Extending the working life of taxis

New regulations to extend the working life of all Access Taxi vehicles from eight to 10 years, helping to keep more vehicles on the road for people with disability.These regulations will also enable other non-access metropolitan taxi operators to apply to defer taxi replacements due to current supply chain issues with obtaining new vehicles.

Rebates for Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance premiums

To assist with running costs, each eligible registered taxi owner will receive a $3092.41 rebate for Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance premiums paid between 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022.
A similar payment will be made to eligible registered taxi owners to offset CTP insurance premiums paid for taxis registered between 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023. This will reduce the cost of CTP for taxis and create a more level playing field for industry.

Passenger Transport Act 1994 review

A review of the Passenger Transport Act 1994 is currently underway, focusing on improving the regulatory standards of all taxis and rideshare operators to ensure South Australians can always expect a safe, clean and reliable ride, regardless of what transport provider they choose.
Public consultation for the review will open on the YourSAy website on July 1, and run for four weeks.


Attributable to Tom Koutsantonis

For tens of thousands of people, especially those living with disability, mobility issues or older South Australians, taxis provide a safe and essential form of everyday transport to access appointments and stay connected in our communities.

We know that it has been an extremely difficult period for taxi operators and drivers, with the COVID-19 pandemic and increased competition in the point-to-point industry posing a significant challenge.

By introducing new measures without delay, including extending the life of Access Taxis and offering rebates on CTP premiums, we’re providing immediate relief and a fairer playing field for an industry that supports thousands of jobs and gets us where we need to go.